Cooley Ranked #4 on PERSUIT's Most Trusted Law Firms List
PERSUIT has recognized Cooley in its 2023 PERSUIT 50 report, ranking the firm #4 among The Most Trusted Law Firms on PERSUIT’s list, which ranks firms according to the total dollar amount of matters awarded to them on the PERSUIT platform in 2021 and 2022. PERSUIT is an online platform companies use to help streamline their request for proposal process and rank firms based on their offerings and value.
As PERSUIT noted, “More than any other measure, cumulative buying decisions indicate the level of trust earned by firms as they compete for the more than $1 billion in matters transacted on our platform.”
Cooley also was recognized among the top five on PERSUIT’s Top 25 Firms by Average Value of Awarded Work list, which spotlights firms being awarded the most valuable individual matters, and on its Top 10 Firms by Return Business list, which highlights the frequency with which clients award work to the same firm.
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