
A.Team presents

AI x Future of Work Summit

November 30, 2023
Event details
November 30, 2023
3:00 – 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

A.Team – an AI-powered software platform designed to help growing companies accelerate product development through the power of effective teams – hosted its AI x Future of Work Summit, bringing together the brightest minds in AI on the anniversary of ChatGPT’s launch.

This event explored the ethical, practical and transformative aspects of AI in the workforce – how AI will reshape the way we drive innovation, build teams and harness technology to create a more just, inclusive and human future of work.

Cooley partner Adam Ruttenberg was a featured speaker at this event.

Agenda topics included:

  • AI’s ROI: How generative AI is revolutionizing industries, with actionable real-world use cases
  • AI talent wars: Attracting and retaining top AI talent in a competitive market
  • Ethical AI policy: How to craft AI ethics and policies that prioritize innovation and the human element
  • Disrupt or be disrupted: Get equipped with the frameworks and skills needed to future-proof your career 

For more information, please email Francesca Bottorff.

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