2023 P3•EDU Conference – Innovation and Public-Private Partnership in Higher Education
Denver, CO 80204
Event summary
Cooley is proud to sponsor the 2023 P3•EDU Conference hosted by the University of Colorado Denver. P3•EDU is an event for university leadership – as well as select thought leaders from government, associations, foundations and corporations – to network and share best practices around public-private partnerships in higher education.
Featured agenda item
Thursday, September 28, 2023 | 2:30 pm / Track B
Governance, Risk and Regulation
Cooley partner and education practice chair Jay Vaughan spoke on this panel. The discussion also featured the following speakers:
- Daniel Feitelberg – Interim vice chancellor of finance and chief financial officer at the University of California, Berkeley
- Susan Fitzgerald – Managing director of public finance at Moody’s Investors Service
- Barbara Gellman-Danley – President at the Higher Learning Commission
- Goldie Blumenstyk (moderator) – Senior writer at The Chronicle of Higher Education
Thursday, September 28, 2023 | 4:30 pm
Fireside Chat
Cooley partner Jay Vaughan moderated the fireside chat with C. Scott Green, president of the University of Idaho, and Chris Lynne, president of the University of Phoenix.
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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