2023 World Technology Law Conference
Event summary
Hosted by ITechLaw, the 2023 World Technology Law Conference brought together industry leaders to discuss a variety of topics related to law and technology. ITechLaw has served the technology law community worldwide since 1971 and is one of the most widely established and largest associations of its kind.
Featured agenda item
Friday, May 26, 2023 | 3:30 – 4:20 pm EDT
Shifting Fronts on Antitrust – The Continuing Efforts of States to Regulate Big Tech
Cooley partner Dee Bansal spoke on this panel.
In recent years, the tech industry has faced increasing global scrutiny from regulators and politicians, with antitrust investigations of major companies being initiated in multiple countries. This panel discussed the latest developments in the ongoing efforts of Canada, Europe and the US to regulate Big Tech.
For more information, please email Yena Lee.
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