PLI – Antitrust Enforcement in the Biden Administration: the Rhetoric, the Record and Future Priorities
Event summary
Antitrust continues to be in the headlines as the Biden Administration pursues an aggressive enforcement agenda. The antitrust authorities are making good on promises for aggressive enforcement and more is likely to come, setting up battles that will shape the future of antitrust law. Cooley partners Megan Browdie and Howard Morse will be leading this program, discussing recent trends and what to expect in years ahead.
Featured agenda item
Cooley partners Megan Browdie and Howard Morse will be leading this panel.
- The enforcers now in charge: what their record over the last year tells us about the future
- Recent speeches and policy statements: “read my lips”
- Beyond consumer welfare, a focus on protecting competitors
- Enforcement trends to watch: revised merger guidelines, procedural hurdles, new attention to labor issues, private equity, interlocking directorates and more
- How the 2022 mid-term elections may impact future enforcement
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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