US Merger Control in 2020: What you need to know
Event summary
Cooley lawyers Jacqueline Grise, Megan Browdie and Sharon Connaughton will present a Lexology webinar on January 28 on US merger controls in 2020.
This webcast will cover the basics of the US Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act, which requires certain transactions to be notified to the federal government before consummation in order to allow the agencies to investigate the competitive impact of those transactions. The webcast will also cover what you need to know when considering potential M&A and other transactions in 2020, including the current political environment and enforcement trends.
Topics include
- US merger review process and filing requirements
- The current political climate of antitrust enforcement
- Recent enforcement trends in the United States and worldwide
- Best practices to minimize risks and pitfalls
To access the presentation materials, please click here.
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz or call +1 202 728 7084.
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