In Person

Advanced Data Privacy, Cybersecurity and TCPA Class Action Litigation 2019

March 8, 2019
Event details
March 8, 2019
9:00 am
Santa Clara, CA

Event summary

Cybersecurity and data privacy concerns continue to keep General Counsel, board members and C-level executives up at night. While developments in Europe have dominated the news in 2018, much of the legal regime in the United States is determined through class action litigation.

Presented by some of the most creative and experienced plaintiffs’ counsel and defense litigators, mediators and federal court judges, this advanced program will highlight the latest technologies, legal trends and best practices for companies to account for in their practical strategies to fight, win, settle and deter cybersecurity, data privacy and TCPA class action suits.

Event details and registration

Featured agenda item

4:00 pm: TCPA Litigation: New Strategies for a Changing Environment

Topics covered:

  • Latest case law
  •  Proving consent and what is an ATDS
  • The use of experts
  • Settlement trends
  • FCC update

Cooley partner Travis LeBlanc is a featured panelist.

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