Press Mention

Cooley Special Counsel Recognized as Visionary for Use of AI Tools

March 14, 2023

Cooley special counsel and head of litigation and eDiscovery & information retention counseling Ruth Hauswirth was recognized on Relativity’s annual list of AI Visionaries – early adopters in legal, compliance and risk who play a key role in advancing the use of artificial intelligence tools in their organizations.

In a recent interview, Hauswirth spoke with Relativity about her background in litigation technology and eDiscovery, how she and her team use tech tools at the firm, and the future in the space: “[W]e’re still in the early stages of seeing how technology will continue to reshape our world and legal practice. There is plenty of innovation and disruption to come, and I choose to look at that as a positive when the goal is to make things better. I enjoy mentoring the next generation to embrace that mindset.”

Read Hauswirth’s Relativity profile

Read Hauswirth’s Relativity interview

Read Law360’s article on the list (subscription required)

Relativity makes software to help users organize data, discover the truth and act on it.  It has 300,000+ users in approximately 40 countries serving thousands of organizations, primarily in the legal, financial services and government sectors.

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