In Person

US VC Funds in London – Right Here, Right Now

October 5, 2023
Event details
October 5, 2023
4:30 pm British Summer Time
22 Bishopsgate
London, UK EC2N 4AJ

Event summary

Many of the world’s most successful venture capital funds, headquartered in the US, have recently established a senior on-the-ground presence in London.

This wide-ranging discussion included three of the most successful and most active funds in the UK. The panel addressed why the funds have built their presence in London, why now, and current market conditions and trends.

The discussion was moderated by the former CEO of Tech Nation – one of Europe’s most successful ecosystem-builder platforms in helping to accelerate the growth of UK emerging technology companies.


  • Juliet Bailin – Partner at General Catalyst
  • Alex Lim – General partner at IVP
  • Luke Pappas – Partner at New Enterprise Associates
  • Gerard Grech – Former CEO at Tech Nation  

For more information, please email Selina Gartland.

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