
A Cooley and TechUK Webinar

WEBINAR European Commission’s Proposed General Product Safety Regulation

September 28, 2021
Event details
September 28, 2021
4:00 – 5:00 pm GMT Standard Time

Event summary

Over the summer, the European Commission proposed a new General Product Safety Regulation, which has major ramifications for anyone in the products supply chain. The regulation is intended to update the 20-year-old General Product Safety Directive with a clearer focus on tech products, new rules covering online marketplaces and online sales and a much stricter reporting and enforcement regime. These proposed changes could have a significant impact on the way that safety is currently managed. While it will only apply in Europe, it is likely to have a significant impact on the future approach to regulation in the UK. The European Commission’s consultation is open until 4 October, 2021.

Join Cooley products lawyers Rod Freeman, Jamie Humphreys and Claire Temple for a discussion on the backdrop to these proposals, the key changes and what they mean in practice. 

For more information, please email Jennie McCluskey.

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