
Previously Recorded

ILTA Masterclass: How can law firms and in-house counsel thrive in a sustainable environment?

May 12, 2022
Virtual event
Event details
May 12, 2022
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Virtual event

Event summary

The International Legal Technology Association Masterclass will bring together members of PwC, Burges Salmon and Cooley who will share practical advice on improving your ESG credentials in the context of day-to-day legal operations, their experience of supporting clients in this regard and the part lawyers and LegalTech have to play in developing a responsible ESG strategy. You will also hear how to pull together what you are already doing under the 'ESG umbrella' and communicate this more effectively to improve your ESG score.

Cooley special counsel Emma Bichet will speak on this panel hosted by Clarilis. 

For more information, please email Jonathan Tsang.

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